Expanded Vision and Plan - Agape Bici Expanded Vision and Plan – Agape Bici

Expanded Vision and Plan

We have developed a new, expanded plan for Agape Bici. We believe that a combined business plan with expanded ministry will allow us to accomplish many new things that we weren’t able to do before. However, we need your help, so to learn more, please read the following to be part of making this plan become a reality!

Project Goals

In continuing to develop Agape Bici, we have two primary goals:

First, we want to firmly establish Agape Bici as a “home base” from which we can serve the community, share the Good News of the Gospel of Christ, disciple Christian believers, and send people out to plant churches. We have already taken our first steps in doing this, and we currently have a church that has people from 5 different countries who are part of the community, but we think that there is much more to do!

Second, we want to provide a way for local disciple-makers to support themselves while discipling others, but also provide skills for church planters to support themselves as they move on to other locations. To start, we can teach bicycle repair skills, but there is much more that we want to offer that could be used in other locations as well such as bike rental, excursions, classes, etc., that the individuals could learn and use wherever they may go.

New Opportunities

We believe that there are several new opportunities that this could provide for our ministry work. Here are a few:

  1. We can provide and deliver repaired, donated bikes to each of the people living in refugee camps or within the city.
  2. We can partner with the refugee camps to offer trips to Mt. Etna, for fun and for an opportunity to share the Gospel in a fun, relaxed environment.
  3. We can offer bicycle-based courses in English or Italian that would give new, marketable skills to the immigrants and refugees, providing training for their work future.
  4. We could have some additional funds from bike rentals, repairs, excursions, or courses that we could use to invest in the people or in the facilities that we use for our ministry work.

At each step along the way, as the mission workers partner with the local workers, we will share our faith with the people that we are meeting, inviting them to read the Word of God, starting new groups and new churches.

Details, Details

We want Agape Bici to be a way to support those who will reach the unreached in Italy and beyond to make disciples of Christ and plant churches everywhere that they will go. Want to learn more? Want more detail? Below, you will find the details about what we believe God is asking us to do to expand the work with Agape Bici.

Have some thoughts to contribute? Or possibly some questions? You can contact us through the various methods found on the new Agape Bici website.

Below is a list of the drafts of our ministry plan.

Help Wanted

We need your help. Agape Bici is a project of Search Party, a 501(c)3 organization in Colorado. In addition, Agape Bici will also soon be a non-profit association in Italy connected to the Search Party team working there.

Would you be willing to help support this vision? If so, please donate to help make this project move forward!

Do you know of someone who might want to join us in this work? Have them connect with us regarding the long-term team workers, again on the Search Party website.

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